До уваги усіх о. Парохів/Адміністраторів Стемфордської Єпархії
На заклик Святішого Отця Папи Франціска та Блаженнішого Патріярха Святослава, просимо всі парафії у Стемфордській Єпархії провести збірку – на потреби постраждаючих з війни в Україні – у неділю, 8-го травня, ц.р. Просимо заохотити вірних до щедрих пожертв!
Радісних Свят Воскресіння Христового усім старокалендарникам!
His Holiness Pope Francis’ and His Beatitude Sviatoslav’s call for a collection for Ukraine in support of the humanitarian emergency due to the on-going war in Ukraine
Speaking at his weekly general audience at the Vatican on April 20, 2016, the Holy Father spoke for all of us when he said that he was especially concerned that “Ukraine’s population has been suffering for some time the consequences of an armed conflict, forgotten by many.” He has called for a special collection for Ukraine in all Catholic churches in Europe on April 24th in support of his humanitarian initiative. His Beatitude Sviatoslav, has asked all our Ukrainian Catholic Churches in the diaspora to join in this endeavor also.
As a result, and in all charity, we request such a collection be taken in all our parishes at all Liturgies. However, because many of the parishes in our eparchy are celebrating Willow Sunday on April 24th, we ask that the collection be postponed until Sunday, May 8. 2016.
Kindly make this announcement at all Liturgies this coming Sunday. Please urge your parishioners to be as generous as possible! The proceeds of the collection for Ukraine are to be forwarded to the Chancery immediately after May 8th. Thank you for your support and cooperation.
Best wishes for a holy, blessed and joyful Easter to all those who celebrate by the Julian calendar!