Ми щиро цінуємо всю підтримку, яку отримуємо від нашої прекрасної спільноти Mountaintop. Багато запитують, як допомогти, тому ось дуже добрий список сполучень.
We genuinely appreciate all the support we are getting from our beautiful Mountaintop community. Many have asked how to help, so here’s a very good list.

Our Metropolia invites you to make donations to the Humanitarian Aid Fund for Ukraine Through the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the United States.
Contact your representative / country leader and ask for more aid to Ukraine.
In the US, get in touch with your congressional representative and your two senators. Call the White House: 1–202–456–1111 and/or leave a message on their website. Ask for a no-fly zone over Ukraine.
Additional choices for humanitarian Aid:
- Razom for Ukraine: This is a grassroots Ukrainian American 501(c)3 charity started in 2014 after the Maidan Revolution of Dignity. Donate here.
- United Ukrainian American Relief Committee: they’ve been providing humanitarian aid to Ukraine since 1944, the last time Ukraine was invaded (by both Hitler and Stalin). Donations will be used to purchase medical supplies and equipment and sent to their volunteer network in Ukraine. Donate here.
- The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America or UCCA is a non-partisan non-profit national umbrella organization uniting over 20 national Ukrainian American organizations in advocating for over 1,000,000 Americans of Ukrainian descent. Donate here.